David Brokenshire
International & National Conference
- Brokenshire D. and Kumar V., Causal models for Learning Technology. ICALT 2008, Santander, Spain
- Lougheed P., Brokenshire D., Kumar V., Hatala M., Moving legacy learning content to SCORM: SCORMit! 2006 International Conference on SCORM 2004. Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.
- Fee J., Lougheed P., Brokenshire D., Bogyo B., Jordanov M., Johnson R., Kumar V.S., ePortfolio: issues for research, International conference on ePortfolio, France, 2004.
- Brokenshire D., Bogyo B., Kumar V.S., Toward an upper ontology for information exchange in ePortfolios, International conference on ePortfolio, France, 2004. [pdf] [rtf]
- Kyrylov, V., Hou, E., and Brokenshire, D. Optimizing Precision of Self-Localization in the Simulated Robotics Soccer. In RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3276, Springer-Verglag, pp. 249-257. [pdf] [doc]
Symposium, Workshop, Tech. Report, Manual
- Brokenshire D., Shakya J., Kumar V., Providing Information for Mixed Initiative Interaction via Interoperable User Modelling, AAAI Fall Symposia on Mixed-Initiative Problem-Solving Assistants, November 2005. [pdf]
- Liam Doherty, Jurika Shakya, Mayo Jordanov, Patrick Lougheed, David Brokenshire, Shilpi Rao, Vive Kumar. 2005. Recognizing Opportunities for Mixed-Initiative Interactions in Novice Programming.
- Liam Doherty, Max Whitney, Jurika Shakya, Mayo Jordanov, Patrick Lougheed,David Brokenshire, Shilpi Rao, Samir Menon, Vive Kumar. 2005. Mixed-Initiative in Computer Games: Algorithmic Content Creation in Open-ended Worlds.
- Patrick Lougheed and David Brokenshire and Brittney Bogyo and Mayo Jordanov and Vive Kumar, "Applications of Mixed-Initiative Interfaces and Intelligence to Electronic Portfolios." American Association of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium Series workshop on Mixed-Initiative Problem Solving Assistants, 2005.
- Lougheed, P., Bogyo, B., Brokenshire, D., Towards Formalizing Electronic Portfolios. Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for e-Learning at the Knowledge Capture 2005. [pdf]
- Brokenshire D., Kumar V.S. Autonomous student modelling in learning management systems, AACE, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2003, poster.